Tom and Dianne
Starr have been full-time potters since 1975. Dianne is orginally
from Winchester, Massachusetts, while Tom was born in Glen Ridge,
New Jersey. After
collecting their BA degrees at
the same college in Ohio, they headed back East as man and wife,
potter and potter.
Since 1979,
their studio, retail shop and home has been in a 150 year old
brick barn near Hanover, Pennsylvania. Nestled in the Pigeon Hills
along Beaver Creek, the old bank barn offers a magical setting
for their creative talents. The rhythms of nature feed the rhythms
of working with clay and bronze in a way that promotes harmonious
creative output.
Come watch
us work -- click here for map
and directions. Our hours are Thursday - Saturday: 9 - 5; Sunday 12 - 5; Monday - Wednesday by chance or appointment. Or take
a virtual tour of the nature trail